Search Engine Placement and Marketing
This is not rocket science. Just old-fashioned work.
OK, maybe a little rocket science...
- Analyze key phrase positions on the Top 50 search engines and aggregators.
Where are you now? Before anything is done, let's see where you are. This gives us a better idea of whether to reinforce primary key phrases, or begin spear heading Keyword Effectiveness Indexing (KEI) for secondary key phrases in competitive markets.
Begin First SEO Steps
- On Page (on website) Optimization
Based on the initial ranks, we begin by ensuring your main site is optimized as it should be. Metas included, though they are not necessarily measured... Images. Layout. Baseline code.
Success in search engine marketing depends on selecting the right keywords. At this point, you compile a list of the phrases that are most important to your business and best describe it. We use this to generate the list of targeted keywords. Most of our competitors will not take the time to do this keyword analysis; by doing it we give you a higher return on investment.
Example- SkiMarket Traffic & Strategy Report, 1/07
Excel, 245KB
We can also edit the copy on selected pages to also reflect the key phrases, monitoring for keyword density to remain within guidelines.
- Off Page (external from your website) Optimization
We can either recommend or execute Strategic directory submissions, followed through until link is placed. Assist with setting up Pay-Per-Click campaigns on Google, Yahoo and others.
We can also research and analyze your competitors to help you identify the best online marketing opportunities in your industry. The key is to help your target market see your website before the competition.
Our goal is to put your website in the top 20 results on the major search engines, using the correct key phrases.
Web Analytics and Analysis
- View visitors and how they navigate your site.
- Entry pages, exit pages, time spent per page
- Key phrases and engines
Now let's see where your site is. Are we climbing at an acceptable rate? Should we continue, or let the progress continue without artificial stimulation? Usually it takes 2-3 months for your website to show up in the search engines. If you've paid for inclusion with the search engines and directories that offer this, you'll start to see results within a week or two.
Example- SkiMarket Ranking Report on KEI, 9/07
Excel, 307KB
We can also recommend various online analysis tools that could include detailed traffic reports covering page views and visits by day of the week, time of day, details on most visited pages, entry and exit pages, referring domains, and other customized reports and analysis.
Recommend Next Steps
- "Tweak" the navigation system and link structures.
- Review useability (sites we didn't design) for improvements.
- Content enhancement plan.
- Inbound links review.
Based on the ranking reports, we can now determine the next appropriate steps based on corporate budgets.
Example- SkiMarket Case Study, Key Stats, 9/07
Explanation of Algorithms
The basis for search engine results is found in the page ranking algorithms the different search engines use. The following article is an authoritative overview of how on-page attributes combined with off-page hyperlinking structures drive the results you see every day, using as the basis "expert" documents and "authority" URLs.
Yes! I want my company to be at the top, too!
At no time will Grant Communications sell, trade, rent or distribute personal information to any outside organization. We use email addresses to send requested information and to respond to the email we receive. Information such as name, title and company information is used to determine the demographics of our audience and help us to present the information of most value to those who visit.
Click here for reprints and timely articles on search engines; optimization, marketing and advertising ideas.
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In 2004, QuinStreet, Inc.
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