Let’s talk about fonts
In order for someone to see your text in the font you have chosen, the font will need to reside on their computer. Safe fonts are, courier, Arial and times roman. On the MAC side, Helvetica is about the same as Arial.You can use other fonts that come with Windows today, but, I would include a safe font just in case.
Try to use fonts that are designed for screen viewing. Often they are expanded and have a tall X-height. Microsoft has designed some fonts specific to viewing on the screen. Verdanna, Comic Sans, Impact, are a few. Don’t forget Webdings for web dingbats!! Century Gothic also works well
http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ can keep you informed. You may also download these fonts for free.
Sans Serif Fonts work better than Serif fonts due to the the fine lines of the serif. Other thin lined fonts may also have problems.
Remember, screen resolution averages at 72 pixels per inch. Think of buying a printer that only prints 72 dots per inch. Like the old dot matrix printers.